Marin Water Recreation Management Plan Meeting (Updated!)

Access4Bikes Votes has worked hard to expand mountain biking opportunities on Marin Municipal Water District lands. This includes supporting mountain bike friendly candidates and actively participating in public processes regarding District policies. We need your help to reach a critical milestone in these efforts, the approval of an updated and improved MMWD Watershed Recreation Management Plan.

There is a very important meeting coming up on February 29th where the Board of Directors will hopefully finalize the plan and include elements that support expansion of mountain biking on Mt. Tamalpais.

This is scheduled to be the FINAL MEETING of the 18-month Management Plan process, which we’ve been actively participating in. It is imperative that cyclists attend this meeting and make your voices are heard.

Put this date on your calendar and attend in person or online via Zoom.

WHAT: Present Draft Recreation Management Plan Feasibility Study to Watershed Committee

WHEN: Thursday, February 29th at 6:00 PM New!

WHERE: San Rafael City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave., San Rafael or Zoom New!

More info:

Zoom link: If you can’t be there in person, join via Zoom New!

Draft plan: Read the draft plan. New!

We are close to achieving our goal of making Mt. Tamalpais a more inclusive place for people on bikes. Come to the meeting and support safe, equitable, and sustainable recreation on the mountain, and learn about what happens next.


Access4Bikes Votes Endorses Damon Connolly